Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) offers a revolutionary skin rejuvenating non-invasive solution for photodamaged skin and various dermatologic conditions.
Eos-Restore‘s advanced & clinically tested PDT system effectively repairs skin cells, restoring youthful vitality providing noticeable results in a fraction of the time compared to other treatments.
Benefits of the 7 Colors of Light:
Red light: 640nm wavelength; absorbed selectively by the pigments and blood vessel can reach the result of skin
rejuvenation,whitening, speckle, and vascular removing, reducing acne, and recovering the injured skin.
Blue light: 423nm wavelength; inhibits inflammation, kills acne bacillus so as to eliminate acne of the skin.
Green Light: 520nm wavelength; skin balance function, reducing grease gland excitation, stabilization, application of sensitive skin.
Yellow Light: 583nm wavelength; Improves facial redness, red spot, smoothing red swelling, eliminating pigment.
Orange light: 610nm wavelength; enhances cell energy slowly, promote metabolism.
Purple Light: 690nm wavelength; Combines red and blue light, which has a good effect and repairmen particularly in acne and acne spot treatment?
Calcium Light: 510nm wavelength penetrate deep skin, accelerate the metabolism of active tissues.